Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Cluster

For this week's blog I would like you to take a moment to review what you have learned in the cluster so far. What has been the most interesting? What has been the most challenging? What challenges do you expect over the next few weeks?

This is actually the first time in my college career that I've actually taken a cluster of classes concentrating under a particular field. I like the fact that the classes that we're taking all work together so lets say if one class is a little behind the professors will work together to see what's best for the class whether to delay a project or move a lesson plan forward if we're ahead of schedule. I think what has been the most interesting is I like the fact that in my english classes we spend alot of time in the computer lab which forces me to concentrate more on my work and projects. I think what has been the most challenging is that there is alot of work to be done with all the classes and sometimes it can be confusing to remember when everything is due and what has to be completed first. I feel that I have to plan on budgeting my time better in order to help me out in the long run.

1 comment:

Hironelly said...

I do agree with you I like the cluster. i love the Eng class because we can use the lab and we can work on our project and papers and the classmates can help one another.