Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Matrix

The Matrix was a very good movie. I have actually seen it a couple times before this class but to be honest, once I saw it in this class and Dr. C. Jason Smith pointed out some concepts through out the movie, I was like "Oh I never realized that before!" So far I think I understand that there are two worlds: the real world which is The Matrix and another world. This movie was very interesting and very entertaining. The main character, Neo, was living in a world that he thought was real. But then once he met with Morpheus and entered the Matrix, he then realized what was real and what life he was living a lie so to speak.


Hironelly said...

i felt the same way two, when Dr.Smith pointed out some parts of the movie i was like oohhh i never realized that before untill now. i think majority of the class felt the same way when they seen the movie before. one question out the blue so do you agree with the movie that we have two worlds?

Ordany said...

I actually though the same. I didnt know what the movie was about before watching it in this class.