Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Alright! I think I have my topic and research down-packed for Essay 5! How companies are doing advertising in video games. Here are a couple of websites that I have visited so far:



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Reseach Paper Topics

I'm still not too sure on what my topic will be for Essay 5 but I've been thinking about how people can use and play video games as in a way to relieve stress and problems that they may encounter that day or the entire work week. I was also thinking about conducting my research on social issues and games. How race, sexuality and even class play a major role in games and how characters are portrayed like Lara Croft.

Trip to the City!

Oh man my trip to the city to visit games stores started off with problems! lol; I ran a bit late, I made it to the front of ToysrUs at 11:30 so that sucked! It was actually my first time going to the ToysRUs in Times Square. I didnt realize how enormous that store was, 3 floors of fun filled games and toys! i was so amazed to see that there was a mini ferris wheel in the store! that was cool! I stood there for a few minutes because I was just in awe! haha Then I made my way to the video game section of ToysRUs, I saw games such as RockBand, Guitar Hero with the actual guitar and drum set out for people to play with. I browsed some more and then found my self near the car section, and oh man i am a feen for cars! i saw all types of remote controlled cars like Hummers and Chevys, then I made my way to the Hot Wheels section! Heaven! I wound up purchasing a die cast model of the Batmobile from the 1966 tv series! i just fell in love with that car even though it cost me 45 dollars but it was all worth it! After Toysrus, i made my way to game stop. It was a pretty good walk from the ToyRus but it was good. at the store i met up with Shakti, Nermin, David, and Depore. we started playing Guitar Hero. Then i was thinking how games have become such an important part of our culture today that many games have such a cult following and people get really into these games! after that i made my way to the complete strategist. i have never seen so many different types of board games and things like that. it seemed as though they had games from different countries too